Getting creative with Liquid Tints for Thin-set, Grout and so much more with Tami Macala
Everything you need to know to create the best colored mortar/thin-set and grout with liquid tints.
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This tutorial contains a world of information for creating colorful tinted thin set/mortar and grout. In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to mix a variety of liquid tints into thin set and grout.
You will learn:
*how to mix liquid tints into thin set/mortar.
*how to create a tinted thin set substrate.
*how to install hanging hardware to your tinted thin set substrate.
*how to use the tinted thin set/mortar as an adhesive.
*how to create a mosaic using tinted thin set.
*how to mix liquid tints into grout and use it to grout a mosaic piece.
*how to color the grout, choose the colors to use in sample boards and how to apply it.
This tutorial is broken down into sections with easy-to-follow steps that make the lessons achievable. The liquid tints are available for purchase through the Santa Barbara School of Mosaic Art and you can click here to buy the kit that goes with this tutorial. You can buy one color or the whole set of nine colors. These colors can also be mixed together to create even more choices. You will see the kit offer and the resource list once you purchase this tutorial. Included in this online course is a printable PDF with a full resource list of all the tools and materials necessary to complete this project.
Your Instructor
Tami Macala, founder and owner of Mosaic Arts Online and Create Arts Online, has always had her hand in art. She started out at eleven years old as an oil painter, winning awards throughout Southern California. With a fashion and textile design degree, Tami began a twenty-year career in the movie and television industry as a costumer, dressing leading actors and actresses. Not feeling completely fulfilled as a costumer and the long hours, Tami found a new passion in mosaic art and in true fashion, became a self-taught mosaic artist while continuing her successful career in the entertainment world.
In 2000, Tami started her first company, All Cracked Up Mosaics, creating personal and custom-designed mosaic art commissions for clients all over the US.
In 2009, Tami began teaching mosaic art. She founded her second business, The Santa Barbara School of Mosaic Art, teaching her favorite art medium. There, she brought in world-renowned mosaic artists to teach her students, creating a hub of learning and inspiration.
In 2015, Tami retired from the entertainment industry and founded her latest companies, Mosaic Arts Online and Create Arts Online. Tami and her husband, Jerry, now produce online courses with some of the most sought-after artists in mosaic, mixed media, and fine art.
Course Curriculum
StartIntro to getting creative using liquid tints for thin set, grout and so much more. (1:52)
StartDownloadable PDF Tools, Materials and Resources.
StartKit for purchase for Getting creative with liquid tints for thin set, grout and so much more. (2:00)
StartHow to tint thin set/mortar with liquid tints. (3:41)
StartComplete slaking process (0:32)
StartHow to create a substrate using liquid tinted thin set/mortar. (7:00)
StartTools and materials to install hanging hardware to a liquid tinted thin set substrate. (0:43)
StartInstalling hanging hardware to the tinted thin set substrate (5:58)
StartCreating a mosaic on a tinted thin set substrate. (6:04)
StartTools and materials for tinting grout with liquid tints and mixing tinted colors. (1:31)
StartHow to create RED tinted grout. (1:27)
StartHow to grout a sample board with RED tinted grout. (1:25)
StartFinishing touches on grouting with RED tinted grout. (1:30)
StartHow to mix and create new colors with liquid tints and mix with grout. (2:59)
StartHow to grout a sample board with a new mixed color of liquid tints. (3:19)
StartFinal process to finish grout sample board of ORANGE grout. (1:08)
StartHow to mix RED and BLUE liquid tints to get a great PURPLE color and grout! (3:39)
StartHow to grout on a mirror sample board using PURPLE liquid tint grout. (2:51)
StartFinal process of grouting PURPLE sample board. (1:19)
StartWrap up Getting Creative using Liquid Tints in Thin Set, Grout and So Much More.